All Pastafarians, Rejoice!
Statement at Installation Ceremony
March 21, 2008
We are lucky enough to live in a country that allows us, its citizens, the freedom of speech. I have chosen to put up a statue of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to represent the discourse between people of all different beliefs. The many faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds of Cumberland County’s residents make our community a stronger richer place. I respect and am proud that on the people’s lawn, the county courthouse, all of these diverse beliefs can come together in a positive dialogue. Here, we are all able to share the issues close to our hearts whether it is through a memorial to the soldiers killed fighting for our country, the Statue of Liberty honoring our nations welcoming promise to all, a group’s fight to stop homelessness, or powerful symbols of faith. I greatly treasure this open forum between everyone in the community.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is a pile of noodles and meatballs, but it is meant to open up discussion and provoke thought. Being able to put up a statue is a celebration of our freedom as Americans; a freedom to be different, to express those differences, and to do it amongst neighbors— even if it is in a noodley way.
Spaghetti sprouts from where Its presence once stood.
Scroll below to see It touring Crossville
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More epic than Caturday.
aarrgghhh, matey! Noodly blessing on alla you!!!
Bravo!! Bless his noodly appendages
2 balls? more male dominance. when will it end?
Very nice. Now I know what to put on my lawn during Christmas.
Ah...Tennessee! Some days you make me proud to be a citizen!
Maybe now Bredesen will finally take seriously the threat of global warming as it relates to the diminishing number of pirates.
More Pirates = Less Global Warming!
What an incredible display of His Noodly Goodness.
A proud day for Pastafarians (and I even read this on our weekly religious holiday fridays! Excellent!)
I suspect that the pregnant Giada DiLaurentiis is the Holy Marinara...
I have seen the linguini!
Sending love to all Pastafarians!
A big day for pastafarians!
Pasta be with you.
He is beautiful.
one small step for the FSM, one big step for religious freedom!
Ramen from the Squarestate.
I'm curious to know what the reaction to your statue has been in the town?
You rock! We'll want pictures, you know :)
by which I mean: reaction shots! The awed masses! Weeping children! Old people touching the Sacred Meatballs, eager to be healed!
That is just wonderful. You should be proud of your work!
Please post more pictures :)
I don't know how old you are, but you need to get a real job. This must have taken up time and money, so if you want to change the world, try donating your time and money to something worth while!
Finally, I am proud to be a Crossvillian! :D
You are a true American. I am overcome with patriotic fervor, and must go do my part to combat global warming by pillaging comely wenches. ARR! rAmen.
I'm impressed by your effort and courage.
Let's hope the wackos don't undo it.
And a fine noodly day to you.
Ahhhhhh, another excuse to get sauced!
How can one think of eating any pasta or meatballs ever again! That would be a sacrilege! If people continue to devour it, can it really exist? That is a question to ponder. Can Pastafarinism be passed on through further generations? Pasta is the energy for life, meatballs help sustain that energy. May you be blessed with the passion, spirit and energy to sustain you as you continue to fight for freedoms in which you believe, passing this legacy on to future generations...... Love c
You are awesome!
Genius! I am in awe....
This is truly a great blessing!
Thank you for spreading the word of religious freedom.
This is so sweet. I'll be making my pilgrimage soon.
To the anonymous that thinks the creator of this statue has too much time on his or her hands: I happen to know that this person has done more to promote and protect human rights-- in this country and in others (in the form of tireless volunteer work and in the form of bona fide jobs)--than most anybody in his or her generation. Whether you agree with the concept of this stunt or not isn't my issue with you... the fact that you can't understand it's satirical purpose makes me wonder whether you can access any sort of higher thinking.
Next time I'm driving across Tennessee, I'm swinging by Crossville.
Typical "60's hippy" living in the 21st century. With this thought process a person can see why our country is struggling with this 1960's leadership.
You've invented the only reason to go to Crossville. I'm still not going, but if I did, this would be why.
ROCK ON!!!!!!
This makes me incredibly happy, since I live a 3 blocks away from the courthouse...I usually avoid Main Street but now I will drive by there everyday and shout out a pirate *arrrgh*.
I have been touched! All I want to say is hats off to you Ariel. It is about time Crossville moved forward and embraces the new. Thank you for this, thank you, thank you.
is this an Offical Installation? how was this accomplished? more history/narrative plz! as a dunlapper, it feels incomprehensible, impossible for such a thing to occur!
Wonderful! Noodley good fun.
i am a proud crossvillean today. thank you for opening our eyes to religious faiths beyond our city's borders.
Wonderful! What a work of devotion! The best part of religion is the art it inspires.
I am sure Lady Liberty welcomes this awe-inspiring neighbor. I had hoped for a Star of David, Wiccan Pentacle, or Crescent for diversity on our Courthouse lawn, but this is even better!
Check out the quote concerning separation of Church and State on the Statue of Liberty. There is a new one each month.
Walmart Paint?! Still, I love it! Earlier I ate thy royalness, It was spaghodly!
Why are you erecting a religious statue on public property?
Micah, because in Crossville, you can. It has been happening with Christian symbols for over a year now. I believe it is past time for other religions to step forward.
I think it's just a sad mockery of our belief in God and someone else's effort to honor him with a symbol. Shame on you....go to church.
Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution.
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - Eight “I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts” -
love you Safdies ^^
i think this was a horrible way to get the message of religious tolerance across. i feel you have created more negative feelings and encouraged more close mindedness by mocking relgion as a whole. good friday is a christian holiday so therefore it would make sense to display a christian symbol. i am sure the courthouse lawn could be decorated with other religious symbols on their religious holidays if someone chose to honor that particular holiday in that fashion....instead of creating an absurd "deity" why not display other religious symbols on their particular holidays. don't you think that could be a much more effective avenue of discourse?
I have been hoping for many moons that someone would set up a different religious display. There was talk of a Buddha and other ideas. No one had the nerve to do anything until this courageous and witty young woman decided to act. May she be blessed by his Noodleyness!
I think this was terrific! To anonymous, think that way if it gives you comfort, but not everyone is religious or thinks that religious doctrine should have any place in a court of law. This is a humourous way of making that point.
If you can have something tangible that represents your beliefs, then how about giving others the courtesy of the same - even if you disagree with them.
@Principessa of cervesa, they could also be boobs. FSM has no gender, and blesses all. Though you have to admit our god has bigger balls/boobs than their god. (R)Amen.
And, as long as anyone can put anything up, within reason it's fine for religious statements. As long as it doesn't endorse it ect.
De noodles say it all, bless de flour, de water, and de sweat dat went into de making of dat fine holistic dish-spread de sauce around-let de meatballs fly-FSM de big daddy finally come up topside--many tanks--dig in--/wave, ching
this is a mochery of christ. you all will pay in the end on judgment day.It isw truly a sad day in crossville when something like this is tolerated
only by accepting our noodly creator shall we avoid an eternity of torment. anyone professing beliefs in non-noodly lords shall be judged unfavorably at their death.
Ahhh...what scares me people is the fact that these Pastafarians could be a diabolical plot to undermine our very souls and institutions. They could be the Al Queda of the future.
Please will someone contact DHS and alert them to the very threat they pose to our well being as a country.
Peace Out
The Pastafarians are peaceful types. The only battle they would engage in is a food fight.
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