Spaghetti sprouts from where Its presence once stood.
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To educate the community of Crossville Tennessee about the ever increasing number of the Pastafarian population. And to share the holy teachings of It.
I totally Support your cause. As a long time Pastafarian i feel that this sculpture moves my soul.
Thank you for finally doing this! A fellow Crossvillian supports your cause!
Someone pinch me. Ariel, David, what you are doing is commendable. When I read "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Crossville", I felt personally noodled. To be this close to my hometown, to forgive those that trample on our lawns, we can forgive our trespasses. From the bottom of his appendage, I thank you.
Nancy Nusspickle
I generally hate carbohyrdrates.... I feel they should be waterboarded at Gitmo. : ) But, I'll make an exception for the Spaghetti Monster.
A masterpiece of the 21st century... I'm sure it will go down in history next to the sistine chapel, David, the Coliseum, and various other fine art....
mmmmmm carbs. my favorite. they are so deliciously bad.
Finally someone gets it!
I would love to see the spaghetti monster on the lawn!
I was plagued by a crippling addiction to antiquing from an early age. It was beginning to affect my professional and personal life, but try as I might, I could not tear myself away from the stench of mahogany and government issued tin. That is, until I found a Ragu smothered tract in my stink shack, and surrendered my hole to the Pasta of Pastas.
Remember this limerick as you weather the inevitable slings that await you.
"We walked along the beach
But as I looked back, I saw
Only one wide ditch in the sand
For the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Was dragging me by the ankle."
FMS be with you.
As a long-time Pirate and Pastafarian, I say well-done -- al dente, even! And, well-done to Crosville for having a fair displays policy.
Thank you for helping a bible-thumping town know that there are lots of folks out here who prefer ideas supported by facts and evidence, rather than facts manipulated to fit a mythology.
Sorry folks, the Earth is on the order of 4.5 billion years old. Adam and Eve did not "walk with the dinosaurs."
The bigger message of the CFSM is that creative literalism does not equal science.
Please post photos of the statue on the lawn as soon as you can.
The meatballs are so meaty looking! Great job! Can't wait to see picture!
YOU are a FALSE PHOPHETESS read LINGUINI 24:12! "Of LINGUINI and not we ourselves" WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!
beautifully done, matey! Noodly blessing on ye!
Our local chapter of Pastafarians would like to know where you got such big meatballs and if you have any t-shirts or anything like that for sale.
You should take some really good quality photos and offer holiday cards that FSM believers (and *cough* atheists *cough*) can send out on holidays. I would buy a box!
I generally hate carbohyrdrates.... I feel they should be waterboarded at Gitmo. : ) But, I'll make an exception for the Spaghetti Monster.
Give organic whole grain pasta a try. The carbs convert to sugar at a much slower rate. I believe the FSM is accommodating of such changes in the daily sustenance of its followers, and will affirm and embrace your decision. rAmen!
Personally, I think this is probably the most stupid stunt I've seen in a long time.
Long Live the Noodleocracy!
AARRRRRRHHHH!! Well done, Matey!
I agree with anonymous the third. Stupid stupid stunt. Congratulations, and my its noodly appendage touch you!
If I lived in that town...I would go rolling at night and stop by the courthouse and do a real number on this hideous looking creation!!!!!Now that would be newsworthy!!!
Congratulations from Seattle! FSM adherents here are in awe of your excellent action and very fine sculptural skills as well. May his noodly appendage bless your beautiful creation!
PattyP, I will get over my irrational bias against 'organic' anything and give your suggestion a try. Consider it a victory for the left. ; )
Uhh... If pastafarianism is a real religion, this is clearly unconstitutional. Just as the ten commandments statue in alabama was found to be.
Is noodleocraty ready for Crossville.
Ready up. Crossvillians.There's a new world a comin'. Bless you my brother and sister in laws and beyond the time is now.Sleeze the moment!
You got big balls.
To the last "Anonymous": I believe the finding about the display of religion on public property was this-- If you allow one belief, then you must equally allow all others who request. The door was opened last year when the County allowed Jesus sculptures to be placed on the Courthouse steps and the Courthouse lawn. Now Cumberland County must welcome all requests equally. I expect our Courthouse lawn to become an open forum for personal expression. Our county property now looks Cheesier than ever. Got any Parmesan?
Long live the Noodley One! Thank you!
Anonymous said "If I lived in that town...I would go rolling at night and stop by the courthouse and do a real number on this hideous looking creation!!!!!Now that would be newsworthy!!!"
The talaban is alive and well somewhere and apparently a still a coward i.e. (anonymous)
i cant believe you are acting as if this was your own little original idea. is this what people do when they don't have a real job or better purposes in life . I'm glad you have enough time to construct some BS piece of crap just so you can get a little attention. for you to say this is just some little piece of random art you created is a lie. there's loads of websites about this parody god. So dont take credit for ripping someone else off! what a loser cause
If you are so proud of your accomplishment here, why won't you show your face in any of the pictures?
Oh, Sigh! Anonymous, did you not read the credit that was given to the founder of Pastafarianism, Bobby Hendersen, in the section entitled "Why is displaying the Flying Spaghetti Monster important?" You sound so bitter. Eat some spaghetti and Lighten Up!!!!!!!
and btw, are you also the next Anonymous, who is ashamed to share your name? hmmmm...
I find it interesting that most (if not all) of the negative messages are from anonymous posters. If you have the strength of your convictions to post your adverse thoughts, then at least have the courage to do it under your real name (or at least a way we can track you down and baptize you with a nice spicy marinara).
As a pirate and a Pastafarian, having been touched by his noodly appendage two years ago, I am both proud and gladdened to see the light of the FSM shine upon so many.
ramen! :)
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